Home for Popway Labradors is in the heart of the Piedmont, in Locust, North Carolina.
I fell in love with my first labrador, Havana, the year that Mark and I were married in 1986. She was his constant companion in the field and on the sofa. What started out as love for the breed has developed into ensuring the quality and temperament of the breed.
Our breeding program goal is to produce healthy, good tempered Labradors that meet the AKC standard and still have the desire to retrieve.
We were blessed to have dear friends and breeders to help create our foundation. We started our show career in 1997 with boys that we purchased from Pete and Elizabeth Mayo, Wildwood Labradors and later from Marilyn Reynold and Lori Payla, Finchingfield Labradors. Early in our breeding program we got our first wonderful females from Bernadette Brown, King's Ransom Labradors, and Coleen Kincaid, ELHID Labradors. Our very first breeding was a wonderful black female from King's Ransom Labradors, Ransom's Popway Majestix bred to Am/Can/Brazil Ch. Grand Ch. PanAm. Ch. Int. Ch. Beechcroft's Perfect Charmer in 2002. From that litter on, we continue to ensure the excellence and soundness of the breed.
Before you get too impressed with any dogs titles, ask questions, as some breeders use registries other than, or in addition to AKC, that do not have the same stringent requirements. All placements, points, and titles listed on this website were obtained at American Kennel Club (AKC) events.
We hope you will enjoy our web site and will come back often. Please e-mail us any thoughts or questions you may have.
To learn more about our breed click on the AKC website
"A dog is like an eternal Peter Pan, a child who never grows old
and who therefore is always available to love and be loved."
~Aaron Katcher~